How to Overcome Your Fear of Being Home Alone
Living Next to my Folks I didn’t care that I lived right next door to my parents. When my LEO was working the swing shift, I stayed at my parent’s…
Living Next to my Folks I didn’t care that I lived right next door to my parents. When my LEO was working the swing shift, I stayed at my parent’s…
My Husband, The Cop I am proud of my husband and his profession but I don’t need to broadcast it everywhere. You are out in a social setting and it…
We Don’t Always See Eye to Eye My husband hates my lipstick, but he respects it. Perhaps you and your LEO or spouse never will see eye to eye. Marriage…
Stop being a police officers’ wife or spouse. For a long I used to think of myself as the wife of an officer. Sure, there is a significant level of…
LEO Wives Aren't B*tches; we are Warriors! When I first presented my idea to work with the women behind the badge to a friend, he asked me if I was…