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How Dogs Help to Center Police Officers

“Today, I was spat on, fought with, cussed out, swung at and video recorded by strangers while I was doing my job. Oh, did I mention that I had to hop a curb while I was trying to get my lunch after not eating for 8 hours because an urgent call went out?” This is not an unfamiliar day in the life of a police officer. My husband can attest to this type of day more often than not.

Stress on Police Officers points out statistics that are the main causes of stress in our work lives: Juggling work/personal lives, job security, workload and people issues. As a police officer, these factors are all intertwined. This causes an increased risk of health problems such as heart attack and high blood pressure. It is important to consider how a LEO can bend the statistics and find ways to reduce this stress.

Our Pets Need Us

Have you ever noticed the unconditional love that greets you at the door each day when you come home? Setting your spouse and children aside, let’s look down to the ground a little further. I am referring to your pet, your dog in particular. Those delightful eyes glare up at you with complete admiration just waiting for your acknowledgement.

That Loving Feeling

The Dog People at demonstrate how studies have shown that an increased level of the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin is instantly released when you bend down to pet your sweet animal. When this takes place, much of our stress melts away. The relationship that we have with our dog allows humans to bond in a primitive way. This feels like something similar to taking a walk outside. Without any need for vocalization, the connection exists between you and your dog. This silence is communication on a spiritual and native level. Very similar to the way that we connect intimately with the universe, we share that same bond with our furry companion.

A Relationship Based on Commitment

Just as a child needs to be fed, bathed and cared for, these needs are the same with that of our dog. My LEO and I have been married for nearly 11 years. Although we do not have any children, my LEO holds value and importance on the needs of our three dogs. This is just as a loving parent does for their child. It doesn’t matter how difficult the day was. My LEO knows that there are things that our dogs need as a means of life. This dependent relationship creates a unique bond that is demonstrated by obedience, discipline, and unconditional love from our dogs to their master.

A Dog Can Bring You Home

When my LEO comes home from work, he can’t wait to pick up his dogs, pet them, kiss them and show his affection to them. Instantly, this calms him down and brings him home. Oftentimes, this is the first outlet to shutting off work and engaging in his personal life. I can’t imagine how long it would take my LEO to fully disconnect from work mentally had he not had this sort of release as soon as he came home. When he watches how excited the dogs are to receive a treat from him each day, it too excites my husband to teach them new tricks and cement their bond of obedience.

An Increase in Service Dogs

The simple act of petting your dog, teaching them new tricks, bathing, brushing and playing with them all promotes increased levels of contentment. It is no wonder why service dogs are being shared in high stress environments such as hospitals, retirement homes and VA clinics. I am grateful for the companionship that our dogs bring to my LEO, especially as they provide an outlet for him on stressful days.

Today, I encourage you to consider the ways that your own animals have helped to sooth your soul. Have you ever noticed how your pet responds during a traumatic event such as the death of a loved one? How does seeing their face and need for you make you feel? As we ponder on this today, never forget that I think that you are beautiful, you are strong and you are LEO Warriors.