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How to Focus on Yourself in Police Relationship

Who says you can’t date yourself every once in a while? You love your LEO and kids but sometimes, you just need a little time to yourself. Believe me, I get that. I have burned myself to the ground as a wife, daughter, employee, sister, student…name it, I did it all and still do. I needed a reset so I started to date myself.

It’s a Date!

When is the last time that you took an entire day just for yourself? Chances are that you spend a majority of your time fulfilling the needs of others. Eventually, you get burnt out and you need a focus reset. The best way to get this is for you to take a moment and schedule a date with yourself. This can mean that I go out with friends or that I take the entire day to pamper myself at home. No matter which way you want to schedule it, schedule it! I want you to not only schedule it, but take the calendar and mark your date with yourself once a month for the entire year.

Why do I Deserve a Personal Day?

Our daily tasks become methodical and we complete a checklist of activities without even thinking about it. We push ourselves hard at the office and at home. Each day we give our all so that we can get in as much as possible and continue to move forward without pausing for rest. But what about the cars that we shut down to get serviced? That cell phone you are probably holding that we plug in for a recharge. If you come to my house, 2 people max can shower before we have to let the hot water heater heat back up again. YOU are no different and YOU need a day where you can recharge.

Don’t put it Off

You may read this and tell yourself that you will find the time to date yourself. Are you lying to yourself? If you don’t stop and take the action now, chances are that you will put it off until you forget about it. Schedule your first date in your phone now. Tell your spouse, make arrangements for the kids or dogs, but start now.

What I Like to do on a Date with Myself

In all honesty, I prefer to stay at home on a day when my LEO is working late. Sure, I can read or catch up on some work, but that isn’t what I allow my special night to be about. Here are some of my favorite things that I like to do:

1. Bubble bath. Yes, candles, bath bombs, my favorite music playing…This is my way to enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with having an independent date night
2. Face masks. I have an obsession with cosmetics and skincare, so treating myself to my own mini facial at home makes me feel detoxed and fresh faced
3. Whitening my teeth. I do this regularly but I find that when I am on a pampering kick, whitening my teeth at home fits the bill for me


Who Doesn’t Like to Color

4. Coloring or drawing. When is the last time that you were hanging out on the phone with a pen in your hand? Can you recall sliding the pen across the paper without meaning? For me, it is usually hearts. My mom used to draw these cartoon elephants with a view of them from behind…go figure. This subtle form of creativity is your brains way of subconsciously telling you that creativity exists. When I draw or color, I find it incredibly therapeutic.
5. Cleaning and organizing. Yes, I am one of those people. Think about it though…when is the last time that you looked at something in your house and took a mental note that you wanted to change things. Maybe this means rearranging your living room furniture or cleaning out the pantry. It feels good when it’s done
6. Writing a letter. Yes, a handwritten letter. I have several people who I write to. I enjoy it and it takes my eyes off of the screen for a bit

Anytime that you start to feel like life is taking too much out of you, schedule a date with yourself. The thought of having the upcoming date will give you something to look forward to. As you do this, remember that I think that you are beautiful, you are strong, and you are LEO Warriors.