If you died tonight, would the imprint that you have left on the world matter? If your answer is no or if your response does not truly fulfill you today, this is a major sign that you need big life changes. In my life optimization practice, I like to focus on the four major quadrants of life: body, relationships, spirituality and business. Review the following questions below and answer them honestly. There are no time constraints and there is no judgement. This is your sacred time to get brutally honest with yourself to create an analysis of where you are at now. Answering these questions fully and honestly will give you a better understanding of the red flags for change that may exist in your life today.
BAre you still tired when you wake up each morning? Does your body hurt when you get out of bed? Do you feel comfortable when you look at your naked body in the mirror? Has a medical professional urged you to improve on your diet and exercise recently? Do you lack the energy to experience life to the fullest each day? Do you have a structured fitness and diet plan that improve constantly?
Are you happy in your marriage or are you lacking an intimate relationship altogether? Do you have sex as often as you want to? Do you crave your significant other without wandering eyes for another? If you have children or siblings, do you get to enjoy activities with them on a regular basis? Do you communicate with your friends and family consistently? Is it easy for you to express your love, honor and appreciation for those in your own tribe?
SDo you believe in a higher power? Is there a method of practice that you do every single day that brings you closer to your Creator? Have you allowed yourself to remain open enough to know completely that you are not alone? Do you seek encouragement and wisdom from your higher power that allows you to enhance your performance? Is there a way that you take your thoughts and turn them into actions? Do you write these thoughts down and journal each day?
Do you believe that you are living in your purpose? Are you reaching your full potential in business because you wake up each day and do what you were born to do? Do you worry about your finances? Do you have a purpose statement that you live by each day? Are you surrounded with individuals who enhance your way of thinking, creativity and growth? Are you working in a job with absolutely no limits to your financial success and outreach?
It’s Time For You
In full transparency, I used to be someone who could answer no to EVERY single one of these questions. By investing in myself for the first time in my life, I was able to turn each of these responses into a solid yes. No matter where you place yourself in life, if you have ever felt a lack in any area, it is time for massive changes that will impact your life forever. Recreate normalcy and forget about what society has allowed you to believe in terms of your capabilities. You are capable of much, much more than you are living today. Everyone who was ever given the gift of life is entitled to optimal levels of fulfillment in throughout their entire existence.
To my dear LEO Warriors, if any of this resonates with you, I want you to know that you are not alone. I think that a primitive warrior exists inside of you that is begging to come out. I can’t wait to meet you and help to uncover this for you. Sign up for our newsletter and receive resourceful information that is completely curated around YOU. If you have a writing suggestion, please comment below. Follow us on Instagram and Like us on Facebook @leowarriors1.