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What is Reiki and What was my Reiki Session Like

Spiritual Growth

I am opening up new dimensions in my life right now by going through life optimization of my own. As a life coach client, I have been introduced to a spiritual connection that I have never had before, including daily meditation. Meditation is a major topic in its own right that I will cover at a later time. Today, I want to discuss my introduction to reiki and my thoughts on the experience.

My husband surprised me yesterday with a reiki and chakra balancing session. I watched a single YouTube video so that I knew what to expect during the session. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous while we waited for our appointment. Previously, I had never allowed myself to fall into a state of meditation other than in the comfort of my own seclusion.

What is Reiki

If you are like I was as of last weekend, you may have no idea what reiki is. Reiki is a practice that is typically conducted by a reiki master. This practice uses physical touch and channeling of energy from the master to the client. This practice promotes healing and spiritual connection through the channeling of energy.

I Want a Hug!

Think of how you feel when you receive a hug. Countless studies exist on the physical and psychological impacts that this single act of touch can have on an individual. There are companies who make money off of providing services for people who want to cuddle and receive hugs. Think about that! People will pay money to feel that state of contentment and acceptance that we feel when we receive a hug.

Think this sounds crazy? Some of you are going to read the rest of this blog and find interest in it yourself. Others will still think this sounds crazy. Perhaps this just isn’t for you or you aren’t on this level with your own path of spirituality. I still love you for that. Either way, keep an open mind to allow yourself to learn from my experience.

Our Reiki Master

As soon as we met the reiki master named Patty, she introduced herself by giving my husband and I a hug. This was the start of our physical connective energy. I felt like I was hugging my late mother. Patty was very calm and open to us and we felt comfort in her company right away.

My LEO and I each had our own reiki session. Beforehand, the three of us sat in Patty’s healing room to discuss why we had come. I explained my journey with connecting to a higher power, something I’d never had up until this point. By nature, I am an all-in or all-out type of woman. In this setting, I was all-in. I exposed my vulnerability and was completely aware and in-tune during this entire experience. It was important for me to gain everything that I could during this session. This is the only way for me to know if it is something I would recommend or not. In saying this, some tears were shed, my LEO stepped out, and Patty and I began our session.

My Reiki Session

I removed my shoes and laid face up on what appeared to be a massage chair. Patty explained what would happen during the session. I closed my eyes and I listened as Patty began a guided meditation of sorts. It took me longer than normal to reach my state of meditation. There were moments of physical touch when Patty would place her hands upon my legs, feet, toes, head, neck, shoulders, arms, stomach, and hands.

Other components were the sense of smell that lingered from the different essential and natural oils that she used on her hands. There was a dim sound of meditation music playing. I could feel the warmth of her hands and energy even when she made no direct contact with me at all. She simply channeled her warm energy to me and I could sense all of what she wanted me to.

I remember laying there experiencing all of what was happening in the physical state. At one point, I was frustrated that I was not receiving a message. The entire anticipation of this was for me to gain a connection from the universe; a nudge from my higher power.

In retrospect, as soon as this wave of frustration hit me, it floated away like a balloon. After this happened, I experienced an incredible, powerful, and motivating message that I know was from a higher power. In full transparency, I feel the need to keep these specifics private, as they are precious and individual to me.

My Message From a Higher Power

What I can share is that I felt like the energy that Patty was using enabled me to find wisdom and knowledge in something much greater, through Patty. Patty wasn’t speaking any words of wisdom. She wasn’t speaking anything at this point. I forgot I was in the room and I forgot what Patty looked like. Everything that I experienced was experienced in a state of meditation that was incredibly deep and dimensional. After I understood that the message was complete and I had a full understanding of that message, I felt two tears come down my temples.

Patty ended her practice on the right side of my body, as she explained to me that she would. I heard her ring various singing bowls. It was at this time that I began to allow my body and soul to return to the present state. This awakening was incredibly difficult for me. Perhaps I didn’t want to come out of it.

When the session ended, Patty left me and asked me to come out when I was ready. After composing myself and putting on my shoes. I sat with Patty in an informal reception/retreat area while my LEO found his way to the healing room to wait for his session.

Ending my Reiki Session

In great detail, I discussed with Patty the gifts that I received and the messages that I found in this session. I shared some of the odd coincidences of the session and how it brought light on areas on my life.

When Patty left me alone with a blanket and hot tea to join my LEO for his session, I began to journal. I felt this incredible urge to document my detailed experience so that I could use it as a reflection for later on. I never imagined to gain what I did from this session. I will say that I was optimistically doubtful in the beginning.

What do I Think About Reiki

The entire day and evening that transpired after my session was incredible. I found immense balance in my body, being, balance, and even business. In summary, if you are on a spiritual journey and are open to a new tool to incorporate into your own practice, I believe reiki to be another step up in doing that. To anyone interested in reiki either actively or simply on a knowledge-based level, I encourage you to check out Patty’s website.

After experiences like this, I am able to say for certain that I am here to remind you each day that you that you are fearless, you are strong, and you are a LEO Warrior