A New Beginning Begins Today
Who says I can’t have a new resolution every single day? I’ve been reading The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. Today sparked a shift in my way of thinking in regards to how we develop and implement New Year’s resolutions. Why the heck does our resolution come around only once a year? Who made this up? How come we can’t treat each day like a new beginning to start fresh and work on something constructive?
My New Rulebook
I’m done. I’m changing these rules. The old set of rules isn’t good enough for me, they aren’t working for me, and you should feel exactly the same way. Just imagine for a moment that you want to set a 20-pound weight loss as your New Year’s resolution. You might stumble and fall, lose some weight and gain some weight, but who cares? You have 12-months to accomplish your weight-loss goal.
What Does Several Goals Look Like Throughout the Year?
Instead, what if I said that today (insert today’s date here) I would like to set a goal to lose 20 pounds. Then I got very clear with myself about the diet and fitness that I am willing to incorporate into my life to make that happen. A realistic yet challenging goal here would look something like: I will lose five pounds a month for the next 4 months until I have lost 20 pounds. Maybe it is March 28th by the time I meet this goal. I then decide that I want to decrease my body fat % by 5%. I set a new goal with a target date and by June 1st, I reach my goal. After that, I challenge myself to increase my muscle mass by 3% and I accomplish this by August 1st.
You see, this person who I was when I started my goal evolved into someone totally different at the end of my (multiple) goal completion. A year didn’t even pass yet and I am so far away from my initial goal of losing 20-pounds!
Where else do you play by Someone Else’s Rules?
I encourage you to reflect on the areas of your life where you are playing by the rules of someone else’s playbook. This doesn’t have to be limited to when you decide to create new goals and resolutions for yourself. For me, this is applicable in my body, my spirituality, relationships with my husband/friends/family, and in business. I no longer eat lunch at noon because I wake up at 3am each morning. That simply doesn’t work for me anymore. I don’t listen to music on my drives to and from work anymore. I was used to doing that because that was always what I saw everyone else do. Instead, I listen to audiobooks that fuel my mind and make me feel compelled to do great things in life. This allows me to consume more content than just the books that I read in front of me. These are only two examples. Pick something, decide how to adopt a new behavior, and implement this to fit into your world and not the other way around.
I would truly love to know how this has worked out for you. Feel free to comment here, message me directly via email or on Facebook…whatever you do, don’t forget that you are beautiful, you are strong, and you are a LEO Warrior!