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Why You Should Smile Often

Why You Should Smile Often


Did you know that chemical changes in your brain take place the instant that you put a smile on your face? I used to get to the office and wonder why some of the other people there were in such poor moods all of the time. This isn’t to place myself above anyone else, not by any means. Instead, this identification really allowed me to dig deep into the perspective that we all have and how easily we are able to recreate our current reality. Think I sound crazy yet? Perfect…stick with me.


Prank Calling My Staff


One time, I prank called my staff a few days before a scheduled staff meeting. I recorded each one of them on the phone so that I could later play these calls at the meeting. Mind you, I had previously received customer service complaints and this was already after weeks of coaching on their attitude as it pertains to customer service in the practice. As I played call after call in the meeting, I asked the staff to take note of the various tones of voices and engagement that they had with our clients. Some of them were shocked and seemingly upset that I recorded them in the first place. I think they were embarrassed at themselves for how monotone and unkind they sounded to everyone, especially magnified in a closed room.




I Choose The Nice One With The Smile


I didn’t do this to bash on one particular employee. I did it to demonstrate to them how important the phone call is as the first line of defense is in terms of customer satisfaction. As is pointed out in this article, customers hear your smile (or lack thereof) on the phone. Chances are, that person who is sweet on the phone is also the same one who greets their customer with a giant smile. The monotone and inimical employee on the phone is probably that same jerk who doesn’t replace the toilet paper in the staff bathroom when it has run out. If you are the customer, would you rather go to the receptionist with the inviting smile or the receptionist who won’t even look up at you?


Now, Look In The Mirror and Smile


After my little meeting with my staff, I brought them into the bathroom. Yes, the entire bunch of us went into the staff bathroom because it was the only place with a mirror. We all looked at ourselves and one another in the mirror and I asked them all to smile. Instant mood shift! After a great giggle in the bathroom, we ended the meeting and went back to work. The entire staff was energetic, happy, and even demonstrated a little healthy competition after the conclusion of the meeting. This simple demonstration to my staff showed them how differently they could feel and then be perceived to those around them by doing one simple thing, smiling.



Turn Your Sour Into A Smile


The next time that you feel tired, stressed, frustrated or if you cannot get out of your own head, use this simple suggestion. Stand up and go into the bathroom. I promise you that the instant that you look at yourself in the mirror with even just the intent to smile, you will start to feel better. The moment that you smile, you will feel even better. Need a reminder? Buy a pack of bracelets so you can have one to remind you and one to give as a reminder to someone else.




Never forget that I think that you are beautiful, you are strong, and you are LEO Warriors.